What a Week!
So I came back from Boston last Friday a bit under the weather. Spent some time getting back into the groove, sleeping, taking it slow, etc. My wife was sick too. Then, on Wednesday I feel better, I get the news that I'll be presenting at the midwest polisci conference in April, and I'm excited. So what happens? My tooth starts hurting. I go to the dentist on Thursday and find out I got a problem with my root canal. So now I've gotta go home for a root canal retreatment on Monday. Crazy. It's like I'm sitting here and shit just keeps happening to me out of the blue. Sickness, health, luck, bad luck, pain, pleasure. No choices, just shit being brought down on me.
When I'm done with the dental work on Monday, I'm gonna start taking control. It's been too many days of sitting around and shitting around. Letting mild to moderate pain reduce me to doing nothing. Gotta get some work done, love Ariel and keep rockin'.
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